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Vision: Create a World that Works Better Mission: Empower Professionals to Develop Talent in the Workplace

ATD Tulsa Awards & Recognition Program


In 2010, ATD Tulsa launched a new Awards and Recognition program honoring workplace learning and performance professionals and organizations for Investing in the People of Oklahoma. This year, we will recognize our award recipients at our December chapter meeting.

Nominations are now open for the Excellence in People Development Award and the Distinguished Service Award.

The ATD Tulsa Excellence in People Development Award recognizes a company that has contributed significantly to employee and organizational development and performance, especially within the last calendar year.

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes a member of the ATD Tulsa Chapter who has demonstrated an exemplary record of service and commitment to the chapter over a period of at least one year. Previous recipients have been recognized for promoting the benefits of actively participating in chapter activities, diligently sharing knowledge and skills gained from professional experience with other chapter members, and demonstrating competencies within ATD's Areas of Expertise. 

We hope this will encourage you to nominate those members and companies you want to recognize! Download the nomination forms in the links provided below and follow the directions for submitting nominees. Thank you for recognizing your fellow members and their companies!

ATD Tulsa Excellence in People Development Nomination Form

ATD Tulsa Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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