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Vision: Create a World that Works Better Mission: Empower Professionals to Develop Talent in the Workplace


From Andrew Engelbrecht, ATD Tulsa Chapter President

Fellow ATD Tulsa Chapter Members,

It is my pleasure to announce the ATD Tulsa Board is accepting nominations for seven (7) open board positions for the 2025 calendar year, until August 31, 2024.

2025 BOARD POSITIONS OPEN FOR NOMINATION: The following seven (7) 2025 board positions are open for nominations:

1.       President-Elect (President in 2026)

2.       Vice President of Logistics

3.       Vice President of Administration

4.       Vice President of Finance

5.       Vice President of Communications

6.       Vice President of Membership

7.       Vice President of Programming

2025 BOARD POSITIONS CONFIRMED (NOT OPEN FOR NOMINATION): The following 2025 board positions are confirmed:

1. Past President (2025): Andrew Engelbrecht [2024 President]

2. President (2025): Crystal Ifekoya [2024 President-Elect]

ELIGIBILITY FOR NOMINATION: All nominees must be current members of ATD Tulsa at the time of nomination. Nominations may be submitted by any current ATD Tulsa member. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged. In addition, chapter members being nominated for President-Elect must have attended at least six (6) ATD Tulsa Program Meetings in the past twelve (12) months.

Link to Download Nomination Forms: To be considered, nominees must complete the following two Forms:

1. ATD Tulsa 2025 Board Nomination Form

2. ATD Tulsa 2025 Statement of Eligibility Form

BOARD MEMBER POSITION DESCRIPTIONS: Descriptions of the open board positions are available on pages 18-21 of the Chapter Bylaws. Chapter Bylaws are available online at www.tdtulsa.org/chapterdocuments. Additional responsibilities are detailed in the Chapter Policies and Procedures, also online at www.tdtulsa.org/chapterdocuments

DUE DATE: Completed Nomination and Eligibility Forms, photos (required) and, videos (optional) MUST be received by 11:59 PM on August 31, 2024. Materials must be submitted via email to president@tdtulsa.org. If you do not receive an email confirming receipt of your materials 48 hours after they are submitted, contact Andrew Engelbrecht, President via phone or text at 918-814-7915.


Question: Why does ATD Tulsa hold elections in September?

Answer: Election in August and September give the new board members time to prepare for the start of the new year in January.

Question: Why did ATD Tulsa change from in-person to electronic (online) voting in 2018?

Answer: When we used in-person voting, the only chapter members that were given an opportunity to vote were ones that attended the meeting when the vote occurred. In 2018, we changed to electronic (online) voting to give ALL chapter members an opportunity to vote over eight days. This year, all chapter members will receive an email notification, with unique links to online ballots, on the first day of voting, September 20, 2024. Elections will occur online from Friday, September 20, 2024 until Friday, September 27, 2024 at 11:59 PM (8 days).

Question: Why has ATD Tulsa expanded the amount and type of information requested on the Nomination and Eligibility Forms?

Answer: The changes were made in response to requests from chapter members to have more information about nominees to support their decision-making processes.

NOTES ON THE ELECTIONS PROCESS: The 2025 Elections Committee will review all nominations to ensure eligibility and suitability for the board positions. Nomination Form information, photos and videos for all eligible nominees will be posted on the ATD Tulsa website for review by ATD Tulsa members by September 1, 2024. If two or more candidates are running for the same board position, each will have an opportunity to give a two-minute presentation virtually or have their two-minute video played during the September 20, 2023 Program Meeting. To promote equal access for all chapter members, presentations will be recorded by ATD Tulsa and posted, along with videos shown, on the ATD Tulsa website following the meeting. Elections will occur electronically (online) from Friday, September 20, 2024 until Friday, September 27, 2024 at 11:59 PM (8 days).

QUESTIONS: If you have questions, contact Andrew Engelbrecht, President via email  president@tdtulsa.org, phone or text at 918-814-7915.


Andrew Engelbrecht

President, ATD Tulsa Chapter

The Tulsa Chapter of the Association for Talent Development


P.O. Box 33351 Tulsa, OK 74153-3351

Tulsa Chapter ChIP Code 7015

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